Stirling and Peggy Seagrave.
"Two veteran investigative reporters assail several generations of Japan's first family with the deadliest weapons of all: research and keen analysis." -- KIRKUS REVIEWS
Sterling Seagrave grew up on the China-Burma border, 5th generation of an American family of medical doctors and teachers working in Burma since 1832. His father, Dr. Gordon Seagrave, was the bestselling author of BURMA SURGEON. After education in India and America, Sterling became a reporter and writer for The Washington Post, then spent ten years in Asia as a freelance journalist contributing to LIFE, TIME, Esquire, Atlantic, Smithsonian, Geo, Readers Digest, and Far Eastern Economic Review.
His first book, SOLDERS OF FORTUNE, was the first-ever history of mercenary pilots. He made headlines worldwide in 1981 when he ws first to correctly identify a mysterious biological weapon, a toxin causing deaths thousands of miles apart in war-torn Laos and Afghanistan. His findings, confirmed by labs in Norway, Holland, France, Canada, and America, are in YELLOW RAIN. In 1985 his best-selling THE SOONG DYNASTY was the first full behind-the-scenes account of the amazing family of Madame Chian Kai-shek, whose wealth and power dominated China and US policy toward Asia in the 20th century. Now a classic of Asia studies, it introduced one of the great gangster characters of all time: Big-Ears Tu Yueh-sheng, boss of the Shanghai underworld.
In THE MARCOS DYNASTY, Seagrave shattered myths about Ferdinand and Imedla Marco, showing how Marcos fabricated his heroic legend, and was kept in power by four U.S. presidents to facilitate covert operations around the world, meanwhile turning the Philippines into America's brothel.
In 1995, LORDS OF THE RIM revealed how Asia's unstable economies are linked by networks of super-rich Overseas Chinese who keep their wealth off-shore and care little what happens to the countries that enrich them.. A bestseller across Asia, it is published in many regional languages
Bio couresty of Bow String books